Mental Health and Wellbeing at
North West London Jewish Day School
Welcome to our mental health and wellbeing page. Please read below to understand our aims and vision and scroll down to the Rainbow Stars to open links and pages for further information.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Vision
At NWLJDS we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community (children, staff, and parents), and we recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives, in the same way physical health is.
We appreciate that good mental health is crucial to children’s overall wellbeing and can affect learning and achievement. We understand that an individual’s mental health can fluctuate and at times children and adults encounter difficulties. We take a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health that aims to help children become more resilient, happy and successful and gives the tools and skills to prevent significant problems before they arise. We also work hard to monitor children’s current wellbeing and act fast to put in place necessary provision, either internally or via outside agencies and professionals.
Our vision encompasses eight aspects with effective leadership and management at the core. Click here to learn what they are.
Please contact me if you have any questions or if you would like any further support:
Danielle Stone – Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead/SENCo
Click on the icons below for more information:
NWLJDS Wellbeing Policies, Vision Statement and Strategy 2023-2024
NWLJDS – Mental Health and Wellbeing – Meet the Team
Outside services (including CAMHS)
Useful websites and organisations
Helpful resources for parents and children
NWLJDS Termly Wellbeing Digest
NWLJDS is proud to have received the WAS Award