Parent information
The NWLJDS PTA (Parent Teacher Association) brings together the teaching staff and the parent body into an enthusiastic and dynamic working partnership and community, working together for the benefit of the children and the school. We have a dedicated team of volunteer class representatives from each year group, Chair and Treasurer who make up the committee, meeting regularly and working on different tasks. We are supported by the headteacher, Miss Caplan, and Mrs Shoota, Head of Key Stage 1, who provide a vital link between school and parents.
Our PTA, Micaela Chetrit, Sophie Ezra, Katie Kaufman and Sam Hamburger lead the PTA committee and are responsible for all PTA related events, tasks and fundraising.
Our treasurer, Mr Yoni Dital, ensures that we have accurate records of finances, money spent and raised, and that we comply with all relevant government requirements. He manages all financial matters for the PTA.
1-2 representatives for each year group are the ‘Class Reps’ and are dedicated to liaising between the parents and the school to provide assistance, help, information and support the class teacher, PTA chair and school.
The PTA host many of the events that run throughout the school calendar, including Grandparents’ Day (when permitted), The Chanukah Shuk, The Summer Fun Day, and more. The PTA also fundraises to sponsor resources and activities for children. In the last school year we have contributed to Mathletics subscriptions for all children, arts and crafts activities, workshops and e-safety education and more. We have also enjoyed a cocktail evening and collected food for Food Bank Aid, North London.
The PTA organise the celebrated Mishloach Manot scheme at Purim, which raises money for the PTA, whilst giving all families, parents and teachers, within school a Mishloach Manot parcel with a unique theme.
The school calendar is another PTA initiative enjoyed by all. Every family receives a copy of this at the start of the academic year and is able to contribute to it with birthdays, pictures, adverts and messages.
The PTA holds a very valuable role within the school community and also works closely with the staff to develop relationships between parents and the school. Any event that we run and that you or your child participates in means that we can contribute towards PTA initiatives within the school. As a school that values Chessed (kindness) – we have a dedicated Mishpacha committee who will give aid and assistance to any family in need, after a recent birth, bereavement, or any other time that families need support.
We are always thrilled to have parents on board – so – If anyone would like more information, or would like to volunteer on a committee or elsewhere within the PTA, please contact the PTA at