Sara Elias


Appointment 2022, by Committee Members.  Current term as Governor expires December 2026
Committees Admissions, Va’ad Hachinuch
Professional Experience Journalist by training (I worked at Sainsbury’s Magazine for 10 years); since becoming a parent at North West I have held the positions of PTA Chair, Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of Governors
Hobbies and Interestes Cooking, reading, listening to podcasts, my dog!
Thing I love most about North West It has the warmest atmosphere, and children are really encouraged to be their absolute best. My three children all attended North West. As they went through the school, I realised that I wished I could have gone to North West as a child myself!
Why I Joined the School Governors/Trustees I love North West and I want to see it thrive well into the future.
Fun Fact When I was in primary school, I wanted to be a florist!