NWLJDS – Inclusion and SEND – Meet the Team

The SENCOs  (ecm@nwljds.org.uk)

Madeleine Bendell             and               Danielle Stone


As SENCOs, we take responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy. We lead and co-ordinate additional support for pupils with SEND and liaise with their parents, teachers and other professionals who are involved with them.

We support early identification and intervention for children with SEND and meet with parents to discuss any concerns about their child’s development. We track and monitor the progress of children with SEND and work together with the class teachers to ensure there is high quality teaching and intervention.

We have both achieved the National award in Special Educational Needs Coordination (NASENCO). Madeleine Bendell is also accredited OCR Level 7 dyslexia teacher/assessor; and Danielle has completed specialist training in Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Learning Support Assistants:(1:1 support for children with EHC plans)

Adina Elkouby                          

Michael Adams                               

Marta Capo                      

Speech and Language Therapy

Brent SLT Services: If you have a Brent GP, it is possible to make a referral for SLT via the NHS. However, for many pupils, they do not have a Brent GP. Therefore we have commissioned a certain level of services from Brent SLT and our therapist is Fiona McCormick. For those who wish to explore provision via a private route, it is possible to facilitate sessions during the school day on Tuesday and Thursdays (depending on availability) with our SLT link therapist, Shelley Radomsky.

Shelley Radomsky

Shelley is a paediatric speech and language therapist. She assesses and works directly with children with speech and language difficulties. This includes receptive and expressive language difficulties as well as speech sound difficulties. Shelley also works on developing children’s social communication and as well as working on a one to one basis, I also carry out small groups. Shelley supports children with EHCPs but also works privately. Shelley works in collaboration with teachers and other professionals involved with children to ensure a more holistic approach to therapy. For more information, please contact: ecm@nwljds.org.uk

Occupational Therapy

We can help by making a referral to NHS Occupational Services if your child has difficulties with self-care tasks (dressing, eating a meal, using the toilet), being productive (participating in activities and routines at nursery or school), and leisure (playing with friends, doing sports or hobbies). Referrals are made to the local authority where you are registered with a GP, and your child needs to have difficulties with two functioning skills. Alternatively, it is possible to make an arrangement (depending on availability) with a private therapist, Gabrielle Pine, who is based at NWLJDS on Mondays.

Gabrielle Pine

Gabrielle is a Paediatric Occupational Therapist who assesses and works directly with children who may experience any of the following difficulties: attention, fine motor skills (hands), gross motor skills (body), sensory processing, pencil control, writing, visual perception, ocular control, executive functioning, independence and organisation, and self-care skills. Gabrielle works collaboratively with teachers and other professionals to ensure that communication is effective and therapy goals are continued outside of sessions where possible. Please contact Danielle or Maddy at ecm@nwljds.org.uk for further information.

SEN Link Governor – Deborah Cohen

Deborah is an education consultant specialising in special educational needs and disability (SEND). She was previously Inclusion Advisory Teacher for a local authority. She has a particular interest in mental health and well-being.